WATERLOO, Ont. - The former Canadian astronaut who gained a global audience with his musical performances in space will be taking on a new job as professor of aviation at an Ontario university.

The University of Waterloo says Chris Hadfield's first task on campus will be assisting research into why some astronauts get fainting spells when they return to Earth -- knowledge it says will also be useful for elderly people prone to falling.

The school on Tuesday announced the appointment of the guitar-playing ex-astronaut, who retired in July shortly after getting back from five months on the International Space Station.

During the mission, Hadfield became the first Canadian commander of the space station and performed more than 130 science experiments.

He also earned millions of Earth-bound fans through social media with his dramatic photos, tweets and a slightly reworded cover of David Bowie's "Space Oddity" that became a popular YouTube video.

It was believed to be the first music video made in space, according to NASA.