A forecast calling for highs in the 30s with humidex values of 40 C over the next two days have prompted the medical officer of health to issue a heat alert.

The alert, the third for the London area this year, will remain in effect until the end of Wednesday.

The Middlesex-London Health Unit says despite the fact that the average high for September is 15.3 C in the area, the current forecast is calling for a high of 33 on Tuesday with a humidex of 43 and 31 on Wednesday with a humidex of 40.

Iqbal Kalsi, manager of environmental health with the health unit, said in a statement “The good news is that these conditions won’t last long. Still, it’s important to find ways to beat the heat..Our precautions are the same as they would be during the dog days of summer.”

He recommends finding a cool place to for relief, limiting time outdoors and drinking plenty of water or natural juices.

Overexposure can lead to heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

For more information on staying cool and symptoms to watch for visit: https://www.healthunit.com/news/2013-heat-alert-03