The London Police Services Board is laying itself bare in it’s budget dispute with the city. And London tax-payers will be able to get a better look at exactly why the matter is ending up at a costly provincial hearing. The Police Services Board is going to the Ontario Civilian Commission over the 4 million dollar dispute with the city. Budget Chair Paul Paulatto effectively put the city on notice that the board means business, presenting an 800 page case to the board. The document will go to city council, and then to the provincial hearing next month. Paulatto says it includes testimony from at least four witnesses and outlines how the dispute got to this point. The board has also agreed to make public the minutes from all the police budget meetings, both in camera and public, from September 2015 to March 2016. In the meantime, Paulatto says the process has cost the police about 40-thousand dollars and it's not known how much has been expended by the city.