The Society of Graduate Students at Western University has launched a Twitter campaign to get mayoral candidates to talk transit improvements.

It comes as many students find themselves left at the curb and arriving late for class.

“Often when I come to the bus stop, the first bus that pulls up will say, ‘Not in Service,’ so I find that sometimes that's frustrating. But if you plan ahead you can make it to class on time,” says student Shannon Dumont.

Students are encouraged to tag candidates about their busing experiences and include the hashtag #fundLTC. 

The London Transit Commission is doing some homework of its own. It has people positioned at various student heavy bus stops around the city actually counting heads.

“It gives them an idea if they need an extra tripper or less trippers or less buses or more buses at this specific stop,” says Dave Wilson.

Twitter campaign organizers say they're not hearing enough about the transit in the election. Riders say buses are often full, and if you're not at an early stop along the route, you're sometimes out of luck because it is full.

“Bus service is pretty good here. I know when it's the peak time for students going to school it can be a bit hectic," says student Thomas Krasey.