The Middlesex-London Health Unit is reporting a probable human case of West Nile virus has been found in the area.

Further tests are needed by Public Health Ontario’s Toronto Laboratory before the case can be confirmed as West Nile.

So for there has been one confirmed human case and one probable human case in the province, and 41 mosquito traps have tested positive.

Dr. Bryna Warshawsky, associate medical officer of health with the health unit, said in a statement “With our first probable human case, in addition to the three positive birds and the positive mosquito trap we’ve already seen this summer, it’s clear West Nile Virus is in London and Milddlesex County again.”

The dead crows were found in London, Dorchester and Parkhill and the positive mosquito trap was found in north London.

Warshawsky adds that “There are enough West Nile Virus-infected mosquitoes that there is a heightened risk for people to become infected. That risk will be with us until the first hard frost this fall.”

Residents are encouraged to take precautions including wearing loose fitting, light-coloured long-sleeved tops and pants, using a repellant that includes DEET and avoiding being outside at dawn and dusk.

People are also asked to help control the number of mosquitoes by emptying any standing water.

Anyone who finds a dead crow of blue jay is asked to report it to the Health Unit at 519-663-5317 ext. 2300 or online at: