Huron County has its first probable human case of West Nile virus this year according to the Huron Health Unit.

Environmental Health Manager Jean-Guy Albert said in a statement "Although exposure may have occurred outside of Huron County...we know the virus is currently being carried in Ontario’s bird and mosquito populations and a bite from an infected mosquito is all it takes for a person to be exposed to the West Nile virus."

The last confirmed human case of West Nile virus in Huron County was in 2007.

Although the risk of infection for residents is low, it’s important to protect yourself and children.

Use bug repellant that contains Deet, wear long-sleeved tops and limit the time you spend outdoors at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active

Most people infected with the virus don’t get sick, but if you have flu-like symptoms that won’t go away, call your doctor immediately.

In rare cases, West Nile virus can lead to a swelling of the brain and spinal cord or death.

For information about West Nile virus, visit or speak to a public health inspector at 519-482-3416 or 1-877-837-6143.

Birds test positive in London Middlesex

The local health unit says two dead birds have also tested positive for the virus. One of the birds was found in North London, while the other was in Dorchester. These are the first positive tests in birds this year.

“These birds let us know that West Nile virus is present in our community and that we need to take the steps to protect ourselves and our families from mosquito bites, especially over the long weekend,” says Jeremy Hogeveen, vector-borne disease coordinator with the Middlesex-London Health Unit.