London police are happy St. Patrick's Day activities didn't get out of hand this year.

Officers handed out 93 offence notices on Tuesday, compared to 73 in 2014 and 274 in 2013.

The result for St. Patrick’s Day shows a slight increase in the number of offence notices issued from 2014 however a considerable decrease from 2013.

There were also a total of 240 warnings issued by police for a variety of infractions, including Liquor Licence Act, bylaw and noise complaints.

In preparation for the March 17 festivities, police held consultations with members of the Western Student Council and the Fanshawe Student Union.

Police say they modified their enforcement approach from zero tolerance to a combination of warnings and the issuance of offence notices where appropriate, with the ultimate goal of encouraging responsible and accountable behaviour.

Officers remained committed to maintaining a highly visible police presence, to facilitate the handling of higher calls for service and increased pedestrian volume.

Chilly weather may have reduced the size of the crowds, but police believe the partnerships were essential in creating an atmosphere of mutual respect.