Woodstock police have unveiled the name for their newest K9, and the 19-month-old German Shepherd pup will be called Striker.

The name was chosen from 317 suggestions submitted by elementary schools in the city as part of a 'Name our K9' competition.

It was chosen in part because Skillings has a long history playing competitive softball and he felt the name was a perfect fit the dog.

Skillings describes Strike as small and fast, which reminds him of the fast pitches and striked he was during his baseball career.

The name was submitted by a Grade 5 student at St. Michael's Catholic school and a Grade 3/4 class at Algonquin Public school.

The St. Michael's student said he chose it because “the name Striker means fast, brave and strong."

Both schools got a chance to visit with Strike and Skillings.

Striker began his training in April 2015 with his new handler, PC Dan Skillings, which continues.

Once training is completed, his duties will include assisting officers in locating missing persons, searching for weapons and drugs and assisting in foot pursuits.