Options Health Care made national news when it opened last month.

Canada's first "full service" medical marijuana clinic promised new hope for Londoners with a wide range of ailments.

But CTV London has learned that the groundbreaking clinic on Dundas Street has closed.

Only a locked door greeted patients and visitors and a note posted on the door explains that the clinic and dispensary is closed until further notice.

"Katie" had a doctor's appointment for her chronic pain.

"It's very important because a lot of the hard drugs we don't want to take and what they are offering here is natural," she says.

The clinic was the first of its kind in the country after Health Canada loosened the rules around the prescription and sourcing of medical marijuana.

Proprietor Dr. John Craven opened the door of his clinic in April.

In an email, Dr Craven outlines the reason behind the clinic's sudden closure:

"Challenges arose in funding and staffing the clinic - and the best decision was to not proceed at this time. I am optimistic that a newly organized options clinic will result - but I do not have any further information to provide at this time."

But in the meantime, patients like "Katie" are left with few options.

"I have to wait until it opens again and who knows when that will happen."