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Another extension for The Ark’s homeless shelter as council places its hopes on senior government funding next year


A proposal by Ark Aid Street Mission to further extend last winter’s temporary shelter program into a year-round service sparked a lengthy debate about its impacts and cost.

“The neighborhood doesn't want it, and the neighborhood is worse for these paid services than it is without them,” asserted Coun. Susan Stevenson who represents Old East Village.

Stevenson claimed an oversaturation of frontline agencies in the heart of the OEV business district needs to end.

“Without these beds, what would the situation be like?” countered Coun. Corrine Rahman.”It's really hard to understand and imagine what we might be facing.”

Rahman said she could support awarding $1.8 million to extend The Ark’s shelter services until the end of this year, but would be challenged to support a budget business case to extend services for $360,000 per month until March 31, 2027.

The 2023/24 Winter Response to Homelessness was already extended once to allow The Ark to submit its proposal for year-round services that will include:

  • 24/7 Assessment and Referral Services (696 Dundas St.)
  • 40 rotational drop-in spaces
  • 30 resting spaces for temporary overnight stays
  • Stabilization Transitional Beds (432 William St.)
  • 60 beds supporting individuals unable to access shelter spaces

Operating the frontline services year-round avoids the high cost of launching and shutting down programs each winter.

Council supported the $1.8 million extension of services until December 31, but will continue to lobby senior levels of government to pick up the proposed costs going forward.

“We require all levels of government to come together to tackle this,” said Mayor Josh Morgan. “We cannot in the long run, or the even the medium run, continue to support [this] to the level that we are on the backs of the property tax base.”

Coun. Steve Lehman suggested seeking funds for both the Whole of Community Response to Homelessness (Hubs and Supportive Housing) and the interim frontline shelter service at The Ark will be challenging.

Adding that if senior government funding isn’t received in time, council will find itself debating the closure of The Ark’s shelter beds in the middle of winter.

“We're setting up expectations that we're going to have to deal with if the (senior government) funding doesn't materialize in the fall,” Lehman warned. “This contract runs out on December 31st, and there's two renewals at a considerable price tag.”

A budget business case will be prepared by Civic Administration in the event council has to consider funding the year-round program next year.

Council will deliberate the 2025 Municipal Budget this fall. Top Stories

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