She's the youngest person to ever swim across Lake Ontario and now Annaleise Carr is getting ready for another feat -- navigating the frigid waters of Lake Erie.

But before she can do that, the 16-year old conquered a pile of books and throngs of fans waiting for her autograph Saturday in London.

"What it is about is my story, my story and then one of the kids at Camp Trillium's story- named Eric- and it's talking about his battle with cancer and my battle with the lake and the similarities and differences with that," says Carr.

She wrote the book after braving the rough waters of Lake Ontario in 2012, when she became the youngest person to conquer the route at only 14 years old.

On Saturday, she was signing copies at a Chapters in London.

But along the way she was also raising funds for Camp Trillium, which provides an escape for those battling cancer.

"My goal was $30,000 and I ended up getting over a quarter of a million, so yeah, I just want to keep helping Camp Trillium," says Carr.

On July 25th she will leave from Erie, PA and swim 75 kilometers to Port Dover, a world record for the longest swim of Lake Erie.

"Camp Trillium, that's what's getting me through it," says Carr regarding her Lake Erie journey.

"It makes me feel goo to see her caring about kids," says Debbie Carr, Annaleise's mother.