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Wingham great great grandmother marks 105th birthday


On Saturday, Jo English will mark her 105th birthday.

"It's great, as long as I've got my health," English says.

As if that weren't amazing enough, the great great grandmother still lives in her Wingham home, by herself. She has friends and neighbours and a cleaning lady that help out, but she still does her own laundry, and cooks most of her own meals.

"I don't cook as much as I used to. I still do some," she says.

Her resolve to live this long, and on her own terms, in her own home, amazes her family.

"And it's not like us flat leveled home like most people think it is. She's got an upstairs and a downstairs, and she goes downstairs to do her laundry and stores all her stuff down there, and she manages it on her own," says her great granddaughter, Lauren Sutherland.

"It's very amazing. I get call every morning at 9:00 saying she's up and having breakfast. It's wonderful," says daughter, Jane Collina.

Born in Scotland in 1919, English says short of keeping active, in mind and body, there is no secret to living this long. Her family, however, has an idea how she's done it.Jo English, who celebrates her 105th birthday this Saturday in Wingham, Ont. (Source: Jo English)

"I hope I'm as sound mind and able body as her when I'm older. Equally as stubborn. I think that's what keeps her going. She doesn't want anyone to do anything for her. She can do it herself," says Sutherland.

"Like Lauren says, she's stubborn. Yeah, it's an English trait, I guess. She's Scottish too, and a bit Irish," says daughter, Collina.

Her family is hosting a very special birthday party for their beloved Jo on Saturday in Wingham. She's happy to celebrate more than a century on the planet, but most proud she gets to share this moment with her family.

"I am very excited. I'm glad to see everybody. But fortunately, we live close enough that we do see them(family) fairly regularly now. Usually for special occasions, we all see each other," says English. Top Stories

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