Mosquitoes found in a trap in north London have tested positive for the West Nile virus.

The Middlesex-London Health Unit was informed of the analysis results by the laboratory on Friday.

The insects came from a trap near Fanshawe Park Road and Adelaide Street and are the first indication this summer that West Nile has returned to the community.

To date though, there has been no confirmation of the West Nile Virus in any dead birds submitted by residents for testing.

Iqbal Kalsi, manager of environmental health and the vector-borne disease program with the health unit, said in a statement “An important part of our surveillance program is to let the community know when and where we first detect West Nile Virus each summer.”

He adds that “It’s our opportunity to remind families and individuals in our region about West Nile Virus and to protect themselves against mosquito bites and remove mosquito breeding sites on their property.”

Most people who become infected with West Nile do not get sick, some experience mild flu-like symptoms and less than one per cent of people become seriously ill.

The health unit has been conducting weekly mosquito monitoring at 250 standing water locations on public property since the beginning of May and larvicide is applied where necessary.

More information on the West Nile Virus is available on the health unit website: