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City of London and CUPE Local 107 reach new labour agreement, with increases until 2027

(Source: microgen/iStock /Getty Images Plus) (Source: microgen/iStock /Getty Images Plus)

The City of London has reached a new collective agreement with CUPE Local 107 – a labour union which represents the city’s outside workers.

 “This agreement reflects the hard work, respectful dialogue and commitment demonstrated by both sides of the bargaining table,” said City Manager, Sandra Datars Bere. “The result is good for our employees, respects organizational needs, and supports our ability to offer the best municipal services to the community.”

The affected workers provide a wide range of services including snow clearance, parks maintenance, and garbage collection.

Jamie McBride, president, CUPE Local 107, expressed his satisfaction with the agreement, “I’m pleased we have reached an agreement with the Corporation that provides wage and benefit improvements for our employees, while striking a balance for London taxpayers.”

Under the new agreement, workers will see an immediate increase of 3.5 per cent as of January 2024, with subsequent increases of 3 per cent for the next two years, and an increase of 2.7 per cent in 2027. Top Stories

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