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London Health Sciences Centre welcomes first baby of 2024

Members of LHSC Women's Care Team from left to right, Andrea Amato, Ceilidh Milmine, Missy Davidson, and Sydney Watson, posed with a gift basket the Belbeck family received on Jan. 1, 2024, after welcoming the first baby of the New Year. (Source: London Health Sciences Centre) Members of LHSC Women's Care Team from left to right, Andrea Amato, Ceilidh Milmine, Missy Davidson, and Sydney Watson, posed with a gift basket the Belbeck family received on Jan. 1, 2024, after welcoming the first baby of the New Year. (Source: London Health Sciences Centre)

London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) has announced that the first baby of the New Year has arrived!

Baby Belbeck was born at 1:07 a.m. on Jan. 1, 2024, weighing 7lbs and 2 ounces. The baby is welcomed by parents Carrie and Brandon and older sister Isabelle.

The Belbeck family is enjoying this special time with their newborn and are unavailable to provide a comment.

To welcome the first baby of 2024, the pharmacist-owners of London and area Shoppers Drug Mart stores have donated a gift basket for the baby and their family.

In addition to the gift basket, the London Health Sciences Foundation is including a handmade baby blanket and the Children’s Health Foundation have included a baby onesie and a teddy bear for the first-born baby of the New Year.

LHSC welcomes over 6,000 newborns each year. Top Stories


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