It’s not often police get a thank you for giving someone a ticket, but that’s exactly what happened to a Huron County OPP officer.

In May, Const. Ron Young ticketed 19-year-old university student Jennifer Walker for driving while using her cell phone.

On top of the $155 ticket, Walker also received a warning for failing to wear her seatbelt, something she admitted at the time was routine for her.

Young, a Bicycle Patrol Officer, likely didn’t expect he’d hear from Walker again after that encounter in Exeter.

But last week, Young received a thank you card.

It turns out Walker had been in a crash, broadsided by a vehicle that failed to stop for a stop sign, just two days after receiving that ticket.

And because of that ticket, Walker wasn’t on the phone and was wearing her seatbelt, meaning the crash left her with just a concussion, broken hand and bruised ribs.

In her card she wrote, "I would like to send my complete appreciation to you for issuing me a ticket for using my cell phone while operating a vehicle as well as not wearing my seat belt. I walked away from the crash with the loss of a vehicle with minor breaks, bruises and bumps.  The lessons learned upon receiving the ticket from you prevented a far worse outcome and possibly even saved my life.  Sincerely, from someone who has a new appreciation for the duties of a police officer."

Police want to remind people that distracted driving and failing to wear a seatbelt are two of the so-called ‘Big 4’ high-risk driving behaviours that lead to serious or fatal crashes.