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American finally pays respects to his Canadian mom as border opens at Sarnia, Ont.

Sarnia, Ont. -

It’s been over a year of anguish for John Wroblewski of Montgomery County, Maryland.

Wroblewski, originally from Hamilton, Ont., crossed the border at Sarnia around 9:30 a.m. Monday.

The main purpose of his visit back to Canada is to pay his respects to his mother and his aunt. His mom passed away in June of 2020 and his Sarnia-based aunt died in June of this year.

In both cases, Wroblewski, a dual-citizen, tried to come home, but quarantine rules made it impossible to get to the funerals.

“Permission was denied at all levels. It was very difficult, we had to watch things on closed-circuit TV.”

But with the border now open to fully vaccinated Americans, willing to use an app to show proof of a recent COVID-19 test, Wroblewski was permitted into Canada.

He and his wife waited about an hour, avoiding the long lines seen overnight.

The return of U.S. citizens to Canada is welcome news for businesses that rely on travellers.

Still, Mark Perrin, of Tourism Sarnia-Lambton is being realistic about expectations.

He says the pandemic has dropped passenger car volumes at the Bluewater Bridge by about 95 per cent in the summer months.

And, given all the restrictions placed on Americans, he doesn’t expect that to rebound much.

“In 10 months maybe we’ll be back where it was, but it all depends on where we go.”

The mayor of Sarnia states any traffic is better than nothing.

But Mike Bradley doubts his city will recover until restrictions for Americans ease.

“Those day visitors, whether they’re coming to the casino or local tourist attractions, I don’t think will go through all the challenges they have to come here, including the vaccination and getting tested before.”

To that point, if it were not for the loss of his loved ones, Wroblewski feels he would not have gone through all the hoops to come home.

“Probably not. I certainly had a purpose and meaning."

Meanwhile, Bradley remains doubtful the border will open to Canadian travellers wishing to visit the U.S. anytime soon.

He remains frustrated the U.S. and Canada did not agree to coordinate the opening simultaneously. Top Stories

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