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A Mother’s Day message for a group of mothers who are facing extreme hardships


A Mother’s Day message for a group of mothers who are facing extreme hardships.

Mother's day is a time to show appreciation for the love moms give and the sacrifices they make.

Those two qualities are never more apparent than in times of crisis, like the one in Ukraine.

On this Mother's Day weekend, a march was held in London focusing on the challenges moms are facing in the war-ravaged country.

The "Mother's March for Ukraine" was organized by members of the London branch of Ukrainian Canadian Congress.

"Tomorrow's Mother's Day, but today it's their day," Anne Sawarna was one of the organizing members for the march.

She says the women of Ukraine are often being left to care for young ones alone as they flee for safety, often to camps in nearby countries. Or they are forced to separate from children.

"It's important for us to pass our message to those mothers who are struggling on their own, with their children - or sending their children abroad to keep them safe."

"I'm from Ukraine. I know Ukrainian ladies,” says Daria Hryckiw who was one of about 50 people that came out to the rally and march.

“They are very hard working people, very good people. Nice wives... nice ladies, you know, and I would like to support those people."

Olga Buchel attended with her daughter, Katie. She says supports continue to build for arriving refugees.

"Many communities now are trying to emerge, and provide host services for people who are fleeing Ukraine. Other communities are collecting money for Ukrainian refugees. So it's great to have this support."

Buchel hopes the support shown in London for mothers from Ukraine will somehow give them comfort and hope for the future. Top Stories

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