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A call for warm hearts to help with 'coldest night of the year'


As Londoners come to grips with these frigid February temperatures, Mission Services of London wants people to think about those who have to bare these conditions overnight on a regular basis.

Throughout the month of February you can help make winter a little warmer for our city’s most vulnerable by taking part in the 11th annual Coldest Night of the Year event.

“It’s really a challenge to the London community to get out there and feel these cold temperatures and to go for a two or 5 kilometre walk and get that experience of what it’s like to be homeless in the winter,” says Nicole Case, from Mission Services of London.

Kim Rumford has taken part in the walk with her co-workers at Lewkowitz Financial for the past four years and she says it’s her way of giving back and she adds, “I was always raised that you pay it forward in this world and no one needs our help more than the people that find themselves living on the streets.”

Organizers are hoping to raise more than $100,000 to help them out with emergency shelters for men, women and families. They also provide food, hygiene products and clothing for those in need.

Case adds, “It’s really doing our part to help our neighbours who are in need.” Top Stories

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