Freezing cold temperatures descended on the London area as wind brought bitter conditions for those working outdoors, though not too much snow.

Crossing guard Darren Colvin loves his new job, but he's getting his first taste of winter and neither he, nor the students, wanted to be out Tuesday.

"That wind is really bad...[The students] are saying, 'It's freezing,' and they don't like it."

Tim Lamont for one was prepared, as he worked to install a new roof with his crew.

What was he wearing to stay warm? "Four t-shirts, two sweaters, my insulated coveralls, track pants and three pairs of socks!"

And with the colder weather, many service vehicles could be seen in driveways, as people fired up their furnaces and fireplaces.

As always, many people have ignored advice to get regular inspections.

Jeff Manchen, a technician with My Fireplace, says, "Demand is very heavy right now, because the cold was so sudden too right. Like a week ago - it was, what, a 20 degree difference in temperature, so you might be waiting most of the day today if something's not working right."

Most companies will fit people in if they're without heat, but those with minor issues can expect to wait awhile.