The Middlesex-London Health Unit (MLHU) says the first West Nile virus-infected mosquitoes have been found in the London area.

Two mosquito traps - one in London's Sifton Bog and another in south end Strathroy - contained bugs that tested positive for the virus.

The health unit has been testing mosquitoes weekly in 250 separate locations with standing water since the beginning of May.

Now that infected mosquitoes have been found, a larvicide will be applied. The same treatment has already been applied twice to 35,000 roadside catch basins in London and Middlesex County.

The MLHU is reminding residents about the importance protection when it comes to avoiding mosquito bites.

Iqbal Kalsi, manager of Environmental Health with the MLHU, said in a statement "We have been trapping and testing mosquitoes for a couple of months and these are the first that have been shown to have West Nile Virus. This finding highlights the need for people to take steps to avoid being bitten."

He adds that residents can help by making efforts to repel the bugs and reducing the number of areas where mosquitoes can breed by draining standing water.

For more information on the virus, prevention and reporting, visit the MLHU website.