The Maitland Valley Conservation Authority is warning residents of a heightened risk for bluff collapse and erosion along the Lake Huron shoreline.

Staff say the mild and wet winter has seen several freeze-thaw cycles, resulting in rain falling on unfrozen ground.

The land has become saturated and softened the clay till bluffs, making them more unstable.

The Authority says this can lead to slope failures along the shoreline and increased gully erosion.

 "Bluff failures are very unpredictable in terms of when they will happen, or how extensive they will be," says Stephen Jackson, Flood and Erosion Safety Services Coordinator with Maitland Conservation in a release.

“It’s important that landowners be aware of the risk and have a plan in place in case of a significant failure.”

In addition, lake levels are expected to be higher this year compared to last.

High winds and waves could erode the base of the bluffs in some areas.