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School bells ring for last time this season across our region


As another school year comes to a close across our region, there is a bittersweet feeling among both students and staff.

For those graduating from Grade 8, they are leaving elementary classes and headed to high school.

“I’m kind of nervous about moving on,” said Chloe Cordeiro, a graduating student at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Elementary School (OLOL). “I’m going to miss my friends and the teachers but looking forward to high school.”

Scarlett Rossi is another graduating student who is looking forward to the next step, “I’m kind of excited about going into a new environment and making new friends.”

For some staff members at the school, it’s not only the last day of classes but the last day period.

Valerie Van Oosterhout is an early childhood educator who is retiring after being at OLOL for 25 years.

“This has been a second home for so long,” said Van Oosterhout. “However it’s time for me to move on and spend more time with my grandchildren and family.”

She’s not alone. Her partner in the classroom, kindergarten teacher Evelyn Paparella (this author’s spouse) is also retiring after a teaching career, which has spanned 34 years.

“I still love every day. I’m going to miss the kids and the staff here but it’s time to retire,” said Paparella.

She may not have too much time to relax though because in November, Paparella is expecting her first grandchild, “It’s an exciting time for sure with a new baby in the family and retirement.”

While the retirees have new adventures planned for the fall, most students in our region will be back in class during the first week of September. Top Stories

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