TORONTO - The Progressive Conservatives are accusing Kathleen Wynne of hypocrisy after the premier appealed for a more open and transparent Ontario government.

Wynne issued an open letter saying she wants to make government information easier to find, understand and use so the province can design services that deliver better results.

Opposition Leader Tim Hudak says the "ship sailed long ago" when it comes to the Liberals and transparency and accountability, especially after they tried to hide the estimated $1.1-billion cost of cancelling two gas plants.

Hudak says he can't understand how Wynne and the Liberals would dare talk about open access to government information after they put so much effort into covering up the gas plant scandal.

He points out the Tories and New Democrats had to continually fight the government before it turned over 160,000 documents on the cancelled gas plants in Oakville and Mississauga.

Hudak mocked the Liberals' plan to set up an expert panel to study ways of achieving a more open government, saying they should worry more about the economy and creating jobs.