TORONTO - Ontario's opposition parties say the Liberal government will have to cut jobs or raise taxes to keep a promise to eliminate a $12.5-billion deficit in three years.

The Progressive Conservatives and New Democrats claim there's a huge hole in the Liberal budget that will make it impossible to balance the books without hiking taxes or eliminating public sector jobs.

Premier Kathleen Wynne took exception to NDP Leader Andrea Horwath's claim that the Liberals have a "huge credibility gap" in their plan, saying the New Democrats based their platform on the same fiscal foundation.

Wynne says it's ridiculous for Horwath to try to distance herself from that plan now, and accuses the NDP leader of trying to come up with some excuse for triggering the June 12 election.

Interim PC Leader Jim Wilson called on Wynne to "just be honest" and say what front line services will be cut or which taxes will be increased to eliminate the deficit.

Both opposition parties warned the decision by Moody's last week to lower Ontario's outlook to negative could soon lead to an expensive downgrade in the province's credit rating.