A nine-year-old girl is marking Valentine’s Day by raising money for the families of other children like her, who are battling cancer.

Kendra Vasiloff, who found out she has an invasive form of cancer last summer, held a bake sale on Thursday to raise money for Childcan.

The organization helps children and their families cope after a cancer diagnosis by providing emotional and financial support.

Kendra’s mother Courtney Vasiloff says “She’s currently battling medulloblastoma, a type of brain cancer.”

Her battle is ongoing, but despite the effects of her chemotherapy treatment, she insisted on holding the event on Valentine’s Day.

She spent a day-and-a-half baking and Kendra says she had help from “My mom, my dad, my step-dad, pretty much everyone in my family.”

Childcan spokesperson Renee Simmons says she’s inspired by Kendra’s spirit.

“I just think it’s extra special that someone that’s still in the middle of their own battle can stop and take time out of their day, out of their struggle and think about other kids.”

The sale raised over $350 for Childcan and if you want to contribute you can call the group at 1-800-966-0631.

Kendra's wish? "To find a cure for cancer."

As for Kendra’s mom, she’s celebrating Valentine’s Day by “Just being with family and enjoying as much time as we have.”