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'I’ve been blessed': Meet London’s newest centenarian


A card group for seniors aged 55 and up celebrated something very special Monday.

Long-time euchre player Maria Lewis became a centenarian!

She revealed to CTV News her secret to reaching such a milestone.

“Don’t drink booze and don’t smoke, I never have. And, I sleep a lot,” Maria laughed.

Maria has been playing cards with this group weekly at the South London Community Centre for years.

Her friends call her an inspiration, and say she’s great at the game.

“It's amazing. I've been here half of that time, and Maria always attends. She is so sharp. Everybody loves to have her as a partner. She's a happy person, and everybody should be inspired by her,” said Sue Fletcher-Keron, euchre group co-organizer.

Maria Lewis celebrated her 100th birthday at the South London Community Centre playing euchre with her senior card group on July 29, 2024. (Fiona Robertson/CTV News London)

“Up until this year, I never had a birthday party. I came to London in 1946. I've been in my house for 62 years, since it was built. I've seen so many changes over the years. And I’m glad to be alive. I've been blessed,” said Mary while enjoying her favourite kind of birthday cake, chocolate.

Playing euchre just might be another secret to reaching 100 years and remaining so sharp.

“We play regular euchre every Monday here at 1 p.m. Bid euchre on one side, and then regular euchre on [the other] side. Anybody 55 plus [is welcome to come.]It's a fun afternoon, and everybody just is kind, and they have a good time,” said Sue. Top Stories

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