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Hunger strike for homelessness underway at London City Hall


A hunger strike by The Forgotten 519, a group that helps those experiencing homelessness, is underway at London City Hall.

After eating a granola bar to mark the start of the strike, participants said the event is in response to what the group calls a “war on the impoverished.”

“There are preventable deaths that are happening right now, and there are immediate actions that can be taken to stop those preventable deaths,” Daniel Oudshoorn, one of the strike participants told CTV News London Tuesday. “So that’s why we are taking this action."

Those in attendance told CTV News London they are striking because there is not enough support for the homeless and that frontline workers who are supporting the community are suffering from burn out.

In response, the organization issued the City of London an ultimatum and a list of three demands back in July.

Demands by The Forgotten 519 include:

  • Immediate cessation of any removal of encampments, tents, campsites, or squats in city parks, along the Thames Valley Parkway, and in empty city lots, or lots that have been left to fall into disrepair by the property owners
  • Immediate transition of the City of London’s Coordinated Informed Response (CIR) Team from a displacement model, to a team that offers meaningful support (based on the self-identified needs of the campers) to campers at their campsites
  • Immediate creation of two indoor spaces (one in the core, one in the east end) that provide 24/7 support to people who are deprived of housing and shelter, or who simply need a safe place to be

Dan Oudshoorn stands outside the tent he is camping in outside city hall on Aug. 2, 2022. (Carlyle Fiset/CTV News London)

“Let's collaborate. We have to work together to solve this problem together. But let's solve it. There are simple solutions and there are affordable solutions," says Oudshoorn. “We felt it was time for a different course of action.”

Last week, the group met with city officials but called that meeting “disheartening.”

Early Tuesday morning, the city extended another invitation to the group and other agencies for an immediate gathering “with the goal of identifying specific and actionable steps that can be taken, together and immediately, to address the shared concerns and calls for action to better serve London’s most vulnerable people.”

“We have great respect for the attention they have brought to the desperate need to better support people living in our community who are experiencing homelessness, addictions, and living with episodic mental health challenges. One preventable death is one too many,” says Kevin Dickins, deputy city manager, social and health development.

Dickins adds, “It’s clear the community is unified in their support for a better system. Changes made and actions taken with system-wide support and participation are our best chance to make a difference, today and in the long-term.”

Dickins says that he understands how dire the situation is, but that addressing London’s homeless epidemic requires a multi-faceted approach.

A planned hunger strike by #TheForgotten519 is underway at London City Hall on Aug. 2, 2022. (Carlyle Fiset/CTV News London)“What we’ve tried to maintain all along is that the city does not disagree with the fact that we are in a crisis,” he says. “Our best approach is, let’s get all of these experts in a room. We don’t profess to be the experts. Let’s get all the experts in the room and let’s start to discuss what is our best path forward -- immediately.”

The city is calling for agencies to come together to participate in two working sessions that will be facilitated by a third party, beginning this week. The focus for the first session will be on creating space to broadly share and listen to the experiences of those providing service in the community that has been gathered by The Forgotten 519 and discuss the ideas for immediate action.

Meanwhile, Oudshoorn says he will remain in his tent with only water, electrolyte supplements and physician-prescribed medication.

Oudshoorn is pleased that the city wants to re-evaluate their position and that many officials want action, but says, “This is a pressing concern that requires immediate action.”

He will continue his strike until The Forgotten 519’s demands are met or an acceptable alterative has been reached.

Further meetings between the City of London and The Forgotten 519 are scheduled, the first of which is planned for Thursday. 

— With files from CTV News London's Carlyle Fiset Top Stories

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