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CTV News London’s top stories from this past week


In case you missed them, CTV News London is sharing all the top stories from this past week.

A total solar eclipse passed through parts of the region Monday, a once-in-a-lifetime experience for most.

Convicted of murdering a London Muslim family with his pickup truck, Nathaniel Veltman, 23, has filed an inmate notice of appeal with the court in an attempt to overturn the jury’s verdict.

Also in the courts, a truck driver convicted in the crash that killed a young girl was sentenced to two years of house arrest along with three years probation.

A disturbing video of what appeared to be the abuse of a pet cat sparked outrage online.

And, it was a long journey, but two silver items looted from a Jewish family that was killed in the Holocaust, are now in London.

Details on all these stories, and more, are shared in the video above. Top Stories

Who is Usha Vance, the wife of Trump's running mate?

JD Vance has had several introductions to the American people: as the author of a memoir on what ails the White working class, as a newly elected Republican senator in his home state of Ohio and, on Monday, as his party’s nominee for vice president. His wife, Usha, has been by his side through it all.

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