All adult correction facilities in Ontario will be equipped with full-body scanners.
The effort is aimed at trying to find external and internal contraband not detected by existing security measures and improve safety, the province says.
The advanced scanners will be used in all 26 provincial jails, including at the Elgin Middlesex Detention Centre, over the next two years.
The move follows a six-month pilot project at the Toronto South Detention Centre that resulted in a clear reduction in contraband, reduced incidents involving weapons and improved overall institutional safety and security, the province says.
These units have also been recommended in several coroner’s inquests and are supported by correctional officers, provincial health and safety committees and other correctional staff.
Ontario is the first jurisdiction in Canada to install full-body scanners in all adult detention centres. The cost of the scanners and maintenace over 10 years is $9.5 million.