Municipal elections in Ontario will take place in about eight months time and a teenager is planning to have her name on the ballot in Saugeen Shores.

Corrina Serda isn't officially a candidate yet, as the 17-year-old is still too young.

"I can't officially announce until April 22nd because my birthday is on the 19th, which is a Saturday," says Serda.

The soon to be 18-year-old - who has been politically active most of her life - is vying to be one of Ontario's youngest councillors.

And that's a point not lost on her mother, a former Saugeen Shores councillor herself.

"Corrina needs to be able to get across to people her experience and her understanding so they don't just see her as a young person, that they actually treat her a human being and one with a lot of their own experience," says Victoria Serda.

The younger Serda was the campaign manager for the Green Party in last provincial and federal elections and she's vice chair of the Saugeen Shores Parks and Trails committee.

She's even tight with Al Gore, as the youngest person ever to share his "Inconvenient Truth" presentation.

"I've given 170 presentations to about 36,000 people, I think," she boasts.

The Grade 12 student is hopeful her impending candidacy makes a few of her classmates pay attention to how their town is run.

"There aren't a lot of people that are young that aren't getting involved in politics and voting," she laments.

Election day is October 27th.