Incoming premier Kathleen Wynne says she'll meet again with the heads of Ontario's teachers' unions, who are still angry over having had contracts imposed on them.

Wynne says she had a good meeting last night with the heads of the public elementary and secondary teachers' unions as well as their counterparts from the Catholic and French systems who actually signed contracts.

In an interview with The Canadian Press this morning, Wynne said a return of extracurricular activities was part of the conversation, but there's no agreement yet to get after-class clubs and sports running again.

The new Liberal leader said she wants to keep the discussions confidential until the next meeting with the union heads.

Wynne also said she won't back off "wage restraint" for all public sector workers to reduce Ontario's $11.9 billion deficit, but added she does not want to introduce legislation to impose contracts.

She also called Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak's call to make Ontario a right-to-work province "wrongheaded."