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Witness alleges years of severe abuse at the hands of parents


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A jury heard some horrific evidence Thursday at the trial of a London, Ont. couple charged with physically and sexually abusing their children.

The witness, who cannot be identified and who is now an adult, testified about the abuse suffered over a number of years, saying both parents were involved with them sexually.

”I gave up, I got depressed, I gained a lot of weight. I was getting raped once a month by my father. I gave up as a kid,” said the witness.

The jury was told the children weren’t allowed to go out on their own much, ”My mother didn’t want me in a place where I could tell people what was going on at the house, basically her hurting us and her beating us.”

The witness added, “My mother wanted to paint this image that she was a great mother.”

The court heard the kids would be sexually assaulted and, at times, tied up to a chair with duct tape, “My siblings were all treated like garbage and so was I.”

The mother and father, both in their fifties, face a total of 47 charges, including sexual assault with a weapon, forcible confinement, incest, and failing to provide the necessaries of life.

The alleged incidents are to have happened between 2003 and 2020. Both of the accused have pleaded not guilty.

While testifying from a different room in the courthouse, the witness asked for frequent breaks, “It’s emotional for me can I take five minutes?”

The trial is now into its third week. Top Stories


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