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Western’s reaction to new provincial funding for colleges and universities

(Source: Western University) (Source: Western University)

Western University has reacted to a provincial announcement Monday.

Ontario's colleges and universities minister said the province will provide an additional $1.3 billion in new funding over three years meant to “stabilize the province’s colleges and universities.”

The province will also keep tuition fees frozen for at least three more years.

In a statement to CTV News London, the university wrote, “Today’s funding announcement provides short-term relief for Ontario’s universities but falls short of the government’s Blue Ribbon Panel recommendations, which called for a much-needed $1.9 billion in base funding for the university sector over the next three years.”

The statement continued, “With the lowest per-student funding in Canada, Ontario’s universities – including Western – continue to face significant financial pressures as we grapple with an ongoing tuition freeze and declining operating grants. An increase in operating grants, tuition fees and indexation to keep up with inflation is needed to help universities achieve long-term financial sustainability.”

“Universities play a significant role in Ontario’s prosperity. While Western continues to maintain financial stability, we know that with a stronger funding model, we will be better positioned to deliver exceptional outcomes for our students as they prepare for their careers. We look forward to further discussions with the province to implement changes that will maintain the long-term viability and success of Ontario’s universities and ensure our students receive the high-quality, affordable education they deserve,” the statement concluded. Top Stories

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