With both OPP and London police stepping up patrols Sunday, Super Bowl fans were making plans to stay at the party or find a safe ride home.
Party host Richard Balfour is insisting all of his guests stay over.
“We're all staying at the house for the night. No drinking and driving.”
The London police are conducting ride programs.
“We have designated officers just for the ride program itself. So they'll be out at different check points throughout the city checking for impaired drivers as well as educating the public to plan for a safe ride. As well, our patrol cars will be out also looking for impaired drivers,” said Const. Jennifer Hodgert.
The Beer Store is also promoting safety for the Super Bowl. Its Freeze the Keys contest offers prizes for people who submit ways to tackle drinking and driving.
In bars, big crowds were expected.
At Jack Astor’s downtown, it is a big event.
“The restaurant is basically completely booked. We really look forward to it, it's one of our biggest events of the year,” says Jessica Scott.
But they plan for their patrons safety.
“We take our SmartServe very seriously here. The joy of being downtown is that we can make sure all of our guests get into cabs.”