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Following massive amounts of rain this week, standing water could be a breeding ground for mosquitoes

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Following massive amounts of rain this week, you may have have standing water in your yard, and while you may not have control over large pools of water, you should consider decreasing standing water on your property to reduce opportunities for mosquitos to breed.

Mosquito larvae begin their lives in pools of stagnant water - and while local public health authorities do keep an eye on various catch basins throughout the area to monitor for West Nile Virus, you can do your part to reduce breeding opportunities for mosquitoes.

Especially with the large amount of accumulated rain experienced in the region, Middlesex-London Public Health points to several areas where water might be accumulated that you may not think to tip out regularly – for example outdoor pet dishes and bird baths, eaves troughs, garbage cans, old tires, wading pools, and even saucers under flower pots.

You can learn more about reducing risk for West Nile Virus on their website. Top Stories

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