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Fate of Boris Panovski now in the hands of the judge


After nine weeks of evidence and submissions the fate of accused killer Boris Panovski is now in the hands of Justice Marc Garson.

In her closing address on Friday Crown Attorney Elizabeth Brown told the court that Panovski was the man who pulled the trigger which killed 70 year old Don Frigo. The court has heard that the Toronto area businessman and the accused were known to each other through field dog competitions. Frigo was a dog owner while the accused was an award winning trainer. However their relationship soured after Panovski got into legal troubles while at a competition south of the border.

Brown told the court, “He had deep hatred for Don Frigo and Mr. Panovski was very proud of his career, he blames them for his field trial career ending." She added, "He (Panovski) believed people in the bird dog world were so jealous of him and wanted him out." Frigo and his wife Eva were on horseback at the Hullet Marsh north of Clinton in September of 2014 when he was killed by a shotgun blast and she was wounded.

Brown said, “This very clearly was an ambush, a very deliberate murder.”

In the summer of 2018 Panovski who is now 80 years of age was found guilty of first degree murder and sentenced to life in prison. However the verdict was overturned last year and a new trial was ordered and moved to St. Thomas.

Once again Panovski has plead not guilty.

Before wrapping up the Crown told the court there was suspicious post-offence conduct by the accused when he quickly boarded a plane to his native Macedonia saying, "He (Panovski) was in a rush to leave, to get out of the country and away from the evidence." Justice Garson is expected to hand down his decision in the case August 16th. Top Stories

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