The death of a St. Thomas teen - who had an incredible bond with horses - is being felt in different parts of the world.
Lacey Jamieson, 16, who died suddenly on Sunday with the suspected rare blood disease of hemaphagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), had 64,000 followers on Instagram.
Her Instagram account is full of remarkable photos and video of horses, including acrobatic poses and special moments.
Her coach Julie Claus says Jamieson was gifted with horses.
Jamieson also had a fearless spirit.
“She was never scared to do anything,” her friend Tabitha Peltier says.
Her creativity and spirit stand out on her Instagram page, where she found a rising fame.
Her family wasn’t aware of her global connections until recently.
“We're totally blown away,” her father Doug Jamieson says. “We're happy she touched them in a positive way.”
There has been an outpouring of support since Lacey’s death – including from as far away as New Zealand.
“I am really sad one of my biggest insparations (sic) died,” wrote one female on Instagram.
Another person wrote on the U.S. Heart of a Horse website of the loss: “On Instagram, there was a girl named Lacey Jamieson. She was equestrian royalty on there! She was a true inspiration to so many.”
Lacey’s influence doesn't seem to be slowing down. Since Sunday, she has gained 15,000 followers.
Claus says Lacey will never be far away from the stables.
“I think Lacey will always be here because there is no where else she'd want to be.”
Her family says Lacey’s death was sudden. She became sick and was taken to hospital on the weekend. An autopsy is scheduled to determine if HLH is the cause.