The City of London won't take part in taking Canada Post to court over community mailboxes.
Council voted not to pursue any legal action against the Crown corporation at a meeting Tuesday night.
Canada Post has refused multiple requests from the city to delay installing superboxes in London neighbourhoods.
It even declined a request to appear at this past Monday's public meeting on the issue.
The City of Hamilton has launched a lawsuit against Canada Post over the controversy and invited London to join in.
But London Mayor Matt Brown voted against the idea.
He says, "I think that we can learn from the many municipalities across the province that moved into a legal agreement with Canada Post to move this thing along.
"We can focus on areas that fall within our jurisdiction, focus on the concerns that have been raised and recognize that this decision belongs to another level of governmet and respect that."
Door to door delivery for more than 40,000 Londoners is expected to end this fall.