The 21st annual London Clean and Green Campaign kicked off Tuesday morning with the 12 Days of Cleaning while targeting illegal dumping.

In a news release,  Deputy Mayor Paul Hubert says, “Illegal dumping is a blight on our community. It offends every Londoner. However, we can make a difference by taking action together as part of the London Clean & Green program and reporting areas of concern by calling 519-661-4570.”

The 12 Days of Cleaning focuses on how to prevent litter, garbage and illegal dumping from occurring.

It showcases numerous recycling programs around the city for items such as electronics, tires, clothing and household waste.

The campaign includes 12 days of various cleaning and environmental themes, including the 22-Minute London Makeover on April 22.

The campaign wraps up Saturday April 23 with a Community Clean Up Day at several locations across the city.

For more information about what you can do to help pitch in to make London a cleaner city, click here: