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'I’ve seen more than I’d like to have': Residents call for change following weekend fatal crash


Residents are rallying for change in Lambton County following a fatal crash.

The collision, one of four fatal collisions in southwestern Ontario over the Thanksgiving weekend, took the life of a 19-year-old. Three others were hospitalized.

OPP reported the collision occurred at 2:15 p.m. Sunday at the intersection of Courtright Line and Mandaumin Road.

As police continue to investigate, it is believed two of the vehicles ended up in the intersection while a third traveled into a farm field.

On Tuesday, tire tracks and debris remained scattered around the scene.

The sight is heartbreaking to Wendy Lavigne, who has lived at the corner for 26 years.

 “I’ve seen more [crashes] than I’d like to have seen. And more than one death,” she solemnly expressed to CTV News London.

Lavigne and her family were out when the crash occurred Sunday. But an hour later, they noted the flashing lights as they returned.

“We had to just sit and watch the whole thing, which is scary. It's kind of traumatizing to watch that and understand that there are families that are not going to have their loved ones come home.”

Wendy Lavigne on Oct. 15, 2024. (Sean Irvine/CTV News London)

Wendy and her daughter, a paramedic who works in another jurisdiction, are now calling on the County of Lambton to act.

They are not alone. An online petition started Monday has generated over 1,000 signatures and counting.

It asks for rumble strips, a four-way stop, or a roundabout to be constructed.

The call echoes similar concerns raised by a nearby mayor about the same roadway.

Just last month, David Ferguson asked county staff to investigate the nearby intersection of Courtwright Line and Inwood Road following the deaths of a couple in their 70s.

Despite the potential expense of safety measures, Ferguson told CTV News London, “Anytime you can save a life, you can’t hold back on costs.”

Lavigne agreed, adding it is only a matter of time before she, or one of her family members, hears another bang,“Yes, another big crash. You know, full well it's not going to be good.” Top Stories

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