The charity auction of a hockey card that inspired a song by The Tragically Hip is now fully, completely over.

The online auction closed over the noon hour Thursday with a last-minute winning bid of $6,240.

For that money, the winner will receive a hockey card detailing the story of Bill Barilko. The card is signed by the members of The Tragically Hip, who wrote the song “Fifty Mission Cap” after being inspired by another copy of the same card.

The card that was up for auction had been donated by Stratford residents Blair and Christy Babcock following the death of The Tragically Hip’s lead singer Gord Downie.

Proceeds from its sale are going to the Stratford Perth Community Foundation, the Chatham-Kent Community Foundation and the Gord Downie Fund at the Sunnybrook Foundation.

The final goal of Barilko’s NHL career won the 1951 Stanley Cup for the Toronto Maple Leafs. Barilko disappeared following a post-season fishing trip, and his body wasn’t discovered until 1962.