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TVDSB applies for funding to build or expand five schools in the coming years


A funding request coming down the pipe from Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB) to the ministry of education hopes to build four new schools, and expand one in the coming years.

TVDSB trustees have earmarked a new elementary schools in southwest London, Thamesford, Ingersoll and north central London, as well as an expansion of West Nissouri Public School in Thorndale.

“We’re proud to submit all five of these projects. Our communities are in need of these student accommodations.” said Board Chairperson Beth Mai. “We trust the Ministry understands the pressures we’re experiencing, particularly from increasing enrolment, and we eagerly await their decision.”

Of eight projects submitted last year, three were approved, with new schools on the way in Lucan, west London, and southeast London. Top Stories

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