The Middlesex-London Health Unit has issued a Cold Weather Alert with overnight temperatures expected to plummet this weekend.
Early forecasts are calling for lows around -17C Saturday night and -21C overnight Sunday with the wind chill.
“Temperatures like those we’ll see over the weekend can have an impact on our bodies; the weather can damage exposed skin and can lead to hypothermia if you aren’t dressed accordingly,” Randy Walker, MLHU public health inspector, said in a statement.
The alert is expected to reamin in place until Monday when temperatures are forecast to climb back up to the -11C range, but remain cold overnight.
Anyone spending time outside is reminded to dress appropriately for the conditions by covering exposed skin and dressing in layers.
According to Environment Canada, there is also the possibility of significant snow in some areas this weekend, complicating the situation.
Much of southwestern Ontario is on the northern edge of a major winter storm that is tracking south of the Great Lakes.
Depending on the storm's track, it could bring snowfall as high as 10 to 15 centimetres along lake Erie, and lower amounts further north, though squalls could increase accumulation around Lake Huron.
If you spot anyone in distress because of the cold, the MLHU asks that you call London CAReS at 519-667-2273, or 911 in an emergency.