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Local reaction to Veltman guilty verdict


After an 11 week-long trial, a 12-person jury delivered five guilty verdicts on Thursday afternoon in a Windsor, Ont. courtroom, finding Nathaniel Veltman guilty of a June 2021 attack that claimed the lives of four members of the Afzaal family, and that seriously injured a young boy.

From members of the Afzaal family who spoke outside Windsor’s Superior Courthouse, to London’s mayor and the London Police Service, multiple entities have released statements following the guilty verdict.

Here’s what’s been said.



"We, the relatives of our beloved 'Our London Family,' Salman, Talat, Madiha, Yumnah, and Fayez, wish to convey our gratitude for the support and solidarity expressed during these last 2.5 difficult years. We have felt this immense support from friends, family, and strangers throughout Canada from all walks of life, including those from various colours, creeds, and religions. We can never truly convey how meaningful everyone’s outpouring of support has been. The affirmation that our neighbours and friends stand with us is valued beyond measure.

We want to thank each, and every person involved in this process. From the first responders, the police, those at the scene, the witnesses, the team of crown attorneys, the jury, the judge, and to all those involved in the pursuit of justice, we cannot thank you enough.

While this verdict does not bring our loved ones back, it is a recognition by the justice system that the perpetrator of these heinous crimes is indeed a murderer and a terrorist. He intended to instill fear and terror in our hearts. However, this wasn’t just a crime against the Muslim community, but rather, an attack against the safety and security of all Canadians.

The enduring grief, trauma, and the irreplaceable void left by the loss of multiple generations has pierced us profoundly. The victims, who were valuable contributors to the Canadian society through their hard work and education, were taken away abruptly, leaving a 9-year-old orphaned. Their loss and our pain will always remain palpable. This tragedy underscores the critical need for urgent societal reflection and action.

This trial and verdict are a reminder that there is still much work to be done to address hatred in all forms that lives in our communities. His actions were intended to drive people apart. This trial forced us to return to that intersection once again. That dreadful crossroad where the very best & worst of humanity converged two and a half years ago. That juxtaposition between the diabolical intentions of a hell-bent criminal, and the love expressed by beautiful, teary-eyed strangers has become a catalyst for unity and justice.

This verdict represents to us, some solace for the crimes that were committed on that fateful day, June 6, 2021, which will forever be imprinted in our memory.

We have not been grieving alone. We are not healing alone. We pray that we can move forward to build a decent and just society.

We remember. We mourn. We heal. We will move forward together."

The Afzaal family outside Superior Court in Windsor, Ont., on Nov. 16, 2023. (Taylor Choma/CTV News Windsor)



“In the name of God, the compassionate, the merciful, all praises due to God, and I greet you all with greetings of peace.

As was already mentioned, there is no verdict that will bring back our beloved London family – Talat, Salman, Madiha and Yumnah. No verdict will gave back to Fayez the immense loss that he suffered.

But today’s verdict bring another step in processing all of the emotions of this tragedy that we have been experiencing over the past two and a half years. We are grateful, and we appreciate the efforts of the prosecutors and the patience of the jury. Our community wanted accountability, and the Canadian justice system delivered.

It was important for the terrorism charges to be prosecuted fully. The conviction for terrorism provides some reassurance by the justice system that this type of hate will not be tolerated in Canada. It validates the notion that Muslims in Canada are valued by the justice system.

While the trial is now over, the evidence that came out of this trial shows us that there is still a lot of work to be done to ensure that the next radicalized young man is not out there.

Over the past two and a half years, our community has been on edge. This verdict today means that we can finally exhale and make peace with the closure that it brings. This was a crime that was directed against Muslims, but it has impacted every Canadian. We have real work to do to strengthen our societies and prevent hate from contaminating our spaces. We need to still remain having conversations that are followed by concrete steps to ensure that this is never repeated.

To honour the memory of the beautiful family, we have to work collectively and proactively to call out Islamophobia and extremism wherever we find it. Today’s verdict is a monumental step in the fight against hate and Islamophobia. It sets a precedent against white nationalist terrorism.

This verdict is the first time in Canadian history that charges of first-degree murder due to terrorist activity have been convicted due to white supremacist ideology that leads to such despicable acts of hate. This verdict sends a clear message, a resounding message that such hate has no place in our society. No place in cities. No place in our province. No place in our country.

This is what we need to continue to reflect upon and put concrete steps to ensure that this happens to no one else ever again.” 

Imam Abd Alfatah Twakkal speaks to members of the media outside the Superior Courthouse in Windsor, Ont. on Nov. 16, 2023. (Jim Knight/CTV News London)


“Hate and Islamophobia have no place in Canadian society. The jury’s verdict reflects the overwhelming evidence that led them to find Nathaniel Veltman guilty of the horrific crimes he committed on June 6, 2021. We hope that the jury’s verdict can bring some measure of closure to the Afzaal family and the wider Muslim community.

We would like to thank all the members of the jury for their time and patience throughout the trial, as well as all of the court staff in Windsor, Ontario and the Victim Witness Assistance Program in London, Ontario. The London Police Service and the National Security Enforcement Team of the RCMP must also be thanked for their professionalism and commitment throughout the investigation and prosecution.”



“If at the end of a trial like this, you’ve done everything you could do for your client, you’ve said everything you could say for your client, then you can live with the result.

We’re not emotionally invested in this. This is a job that we do. We think it’s important and we do it as well as we can, but in the final analysis, we’re just like Mr. Rumpole the Bailey. We’re just a taxi for hire.

We’re going to absorb the verdict first, and then we’ll get some instructions from our client, and then we’ll see where we go from here.

It was a long and challenging trial. And very much there are live issues that perhaps should be resolved by an appellate tribunal.

It’s the first jury trial on terrorism, so that’s going to make it interesting in and of itself.”



"No amount of justice can ever bring back Our London Family.

While this represents an important step towards closure for the Muslim community, and our city at large, it is by no means the end of that journey. It is one that continues, and it is one that we will undertake together. Each of us has an obligation, as individuals and as a society, to combat and confront hatred in all its forms. This verdict does not absolve us of that responsibility. Instead, it must serve as an eternal reminder of the need to remain committed to this effort so that it never happens again.

It is my sincerest hope that Londoners, and all Canadians, will continue to support and care for each other as we did in the days, weeks, and months after June 6th, 2021, and throughout the duration of this trial. The City of London is unwavering in its dedication to dismantling Islamophobia, racism, and hate. We will spread to other communities lessons in understanding, inclusivity, and love.

It is through all of these actions that we will continue to honour the memory of Our London Family."



“On June 6, 2021, a tragedy unfolded that deeply wounded the heart of our community. The brutal murder of four cherished members of the Afzaal family – Our London Family – by an individual driven by hate, not only took precious lives but also shook the foundations of our shared values and community spirit.

Today, in a Windsor courtroom, justice has been served. The convictions on four counts of first-degree murder and one count of attempted murder represent not just a legal closure, but a testament to the thoroughness and fairness of our justice system. While no verdict or sentence can ever fully heal the pain of losing Yumnah, Madiha, Salman, and Talat, we are gratified that the jury's decision brings some measure of justice to their loved ones and to a community still in mourning.

In the weeks and months following this horrific attack, Londoners have shown remarkable solidarity with our Muslim community. The outpouring of support and comfort is a testament to the resilience and unity of our city. As the trial concludes, we recognize that the pain, hurt, and fear lingering from this tragedy will continue to resonate. Yet, we remain hopeful, knowing that Londoners will persist in their efforts to ensure that everyone in our community feels safe, valued, and welcome.

Our thoughts today are especially with the Afzaal family's young survivor, facing a future without his parents, sister, and grandmother. We are committed to supporting him, as we are all those affected, in every way we can. We also extend our profound gratitude and recognition to the first responders – police, fire, paramedics, and hospital staff – whose professionalism and courage in the face of such horror will not be forgotten.

As a police service, our dedication to the safety and well-being of every community member is unwavering. Hate has no place in our city. We are actively working to foster a culture of diversity, inclusion, and understanding that stands as a strong defence against such acts of hatred. Together, we will ensure that the legacy of the Afzaal family is one of hope and unity.”

Defence lawyer Christopher Hicks speaks to media in Windsor, Ont., on Nov. 16, 2023. (Taylor Choma/CTV News Windsor)



“Nathaniel Veltman being found guilty of first-degree murder for his horrific killing of Our London Family is the first step towards healing. The loss of Our London Family, the loss of parents to a young child, have shaken our community and caused immense trauma and suffering. Nothing can ever reverse the pain and loss this murder has caused the community, and London is forever changed as a result.

With the war in Gaza and Israel and a rise in Islamophobia, anti-Palestinian racism, and hate, it is incumbent on all of us to never stop fighting for additional resources to keep London communities safe and stand up to hate and racism wherever it occurs.

I’m grateful for the jury and everyone involved in this trial who endured horrifying testimony and evidence. Justice was served today, but accountability cannot stop here, we must stand in solidarity against all hate."



In closing arguments, the defence asked the jury to consider manslaughter or second degree murder, arguing the Crown had failed to prove beyond reasonable doubt that Veltman planned and deliberated his attack and that he intended to kill.

They also relied heavily on the testimony of a forensic psychiatrist who believed Veltman was in a “depersonalized” state at the time of the attack because of his mental illnesses, was suffering from “adverse effects” of consuming psilocybin and grief over the lost of his great-grandmother.

The prosecution on the other hand, asked the jury to dismiss all of the psychiatrist’s evidence, arguing it was based almost entirely on self-reporting of symptoms by Veltman himself and that the “adverse effects” are an “educated guess” and aren’t based on science but supported by one online survey.

The Crown asserted that Veltman planned his attack for months by purchasing a vehicle he couldn’t afford, body armor that was difficult to purchase, researching vehicle speed versus injury equations and writing a hateful manifesto outlining his “toxic beliefs” about Muslims. Top Stories

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