A double life or a student experience? Who exactly was the man shot dead in an altercation with London police?

Sam Maloney's widow Melissa Facciolo tells CTV London about their lives and what she believes might have led to his death.

"I always said he was my soulmate. I definitely feel like something is missing from me now," says Facciolo.

Facciolo is grieving the loss of her common-law-husband and father of her two young children, Samuel Maloney.

He was fatally shot during an altercation with London police on Dec. 23.

They had known each other for nearly 23 years.

"He moved to Newmarket from Nova Scotia, I first met him in grade seven. We were pretty much best friends from then on," she says.

After high school she went on to study graphic design at York University.

Maloney pursued a career in computer programing and software developing.

That would bring the couple to London in 2004, buying a bungalow on Duchess Avenue.

It was there he would create a software program that she believes police were intrested in.

"Morphis is something totally different. It was actually meant to fix the problems of the world and unite people."

Facciolo says it was this program which he allegedly used to hack into another computer system, leaving a link to content that some would consider racist.

"He had some extreme ideas I guess about some things. But he wasn't racist. He was paranoid because he thought that Morphis would make governments and government surveillance impossible and that governments would be obsolete."

Facciolo says she was aware that Maloney was attending Western University and had a dorm room.

She says he told his classmates that he was 21 because he was embarrassed having never attended university earlier.

"He wanted to live in residence. He wanted to get the whole experience and get to know people. He has a hard time socially with people so he was hoping that even just that would help."

The couple had been known to police in the past for gun related offenses.

Facciolo is currently under a ban from owning any weapons and says they had no firearms inside the home the day of the raid.

Facciolo says when she first returned to their home to gather some belongings.

There were holes in the walls and doors from bullets and a pool of blood in the bedroom.

She says she would like to eventually move back into their home because even though there are bad memories from that day there are good ones too.