LONDON, ONT -- The parents of more than a thousand students have changed their minds— recently opting out of in-school learning with the Thames Valley District School Board.

School board trustees were provided with an update Tuesday night on the learning models chosen by families in the region.

Between August 21 and August 28, 968 primary students switched from ‘in-person’ to ‘full remote’ learning with the public school board.

An addition 217 secondary students made the same switch to stay at home.

"This does result in significant reorganization." said Associate Director of Education Riley Culhane.

Culhane told Trustees that 371 additional teachers were needed to staff full-remote classes.

The TVDSB has received decisions from 95 per cent of families.

  • 68,351 students will attend class in schools
  • 13,137 students will learn from home
  • 4,039 computers requested

With 16 per cent of students choosing to learn from home, the average size of elementary classes are well below their maximums.

Kindergarten (Max. 29)
TVDSB: 21.6

Grades 1-3 (Max. 23)
TVDSB: 17.9 

Grades 4-8 (Max. 30/32)
TVDSB: 22.53

"Right now we are sitting quite comfortably with our primary grades," says Associate Director of Education Jeffery Pratt.

The staggered start to the 2020/21 school year will begin next week.