Two London reality TV stars are facing charges after an alleged assault on Shawn Evans, a contestant on The Bachelorette.
OPP say a verbal argument over property between two men at an establishment on Main Street in Grand Bend on July 21 led to an assault with a weapon charge against 65-year-old Mickey Rapaport.
Rapaport, the founder of Coco's, was on the reality show Grand Benders.
A week ago, Shawn Evans of the Bachelorette posted a photo of himself on Instagram with a bandage around his head, saying he was the victim of an assault.
Police said in a news release the victim received treatment at the scene and was then taken to hospital with a "significant injury."
Rapaport’s 28-year-old son Justin was charged with obstructing a peace officer.
The Rapaports are scheduled to appear in a Sarnia court on Aug. 31.