A community is rallying around an Ingersoll family whose four-year-old son suffers from a rare disorder.

Lyndon Kloss has Christianson Syndrome, a genetic disorder. The condition affects Lyndon mentally and physically.

His list of health complication is causing financial strain for his family of four.

The family had to get a custom-made wheelchair and then build a ramp.

The steep costs has the community rallying around the family.

A fundraising dance is being held Saturday at the Unifor hall in Woodstock.

What makes this story even more touching is the organizer of the dance is 17-year-old Donald Heald.

He didn't know the Kloss family until recently when he heard about little Lyndon and knew he had to do something

“I seen the kind of stuggles it was and I don't think it's fair for anybody and I thought it was a good idea,” he said.

Heald single handedly organized the fundraiser. There is a silent auction, a live band, a light lunch and a cash bar as well.

“There is so much help around this town, it's, yeah it's so emotional,” Lyndon’s mom Nikki said.

Heald is hoping to raise about $3,500 for the family. It’s money that will be much needed in the future.

The fundraiser is at the Unifor hall at 126 Beale St. in Woodstock, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Saturday.