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Scouts in Lambton receive funding to help restore native ecosystem


Scout troops in Lambton County will help restore a critically endangered ecosystem near the shore of Lake Huron at Port Franks.

Provincial Environment Minister Andrea Khanjin visited Camp Attawandaron in Lambton Shores Tuesday to announce $52,000 funding for Scouts Canada to help restore the Oak Savanna at the site.

It’s a rare ecosystem that exists between prairie grassland and oak woodland.

“It is a challenge, but it’s something the next generation is fully up and ready to do,” said Khanjin. “This will help not only restore the forest to its natural biodiversity, [but] will also include activities such as plant the native trees that are so needed, the shrubs.”

A Lambton county Scout troop, seen on June 25, 2024, will help restore the endangered oak savanna at Camp Attawandaron in Port Franks. (Bryan Bicknell/CTV News London)

According to the environment ministry, the oak savanna is a globally rare ecosystem. It’s being overtaken by the invasive Scots pines, which were planted in the area more than a decade ago.

“In Autumn, we’ll remove over two acres of plants and invasive pine trees,” said Scout Leader Rob Tuer. “And next spring we’ll be planting over 1,500 native plants and trees that will thrive in this rare environment.”

Funding for the initiative comes from environmental penalties paid by polluters. Top Stories

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